Sunday, February 27, 2011

"A Victory for Oceans"!!!!!!

Costo says it has stopped selling about a dozen imperiled fish in a move toward selling more sustainable seafood. Greenpeace which pressured the retailer, considers this a victory for oceans, but says Costco could go further.

The giant warehouse has agreed not to sell the following seafood unless the company can find options certified by Marine Stewardship Council or some similar program:
Atlantic Cod, Atlantic Halibut, Chilean Seabass, Greenland Halibut, Grouper, Monkfish, Orange Roughy, Shark, Skates and Rays, Swordfish and Blue Fin Tuna.

Also consumers are urged to avoid buying "Dolphin Safe" tuna because of the many sea turtles, sharks, juvenile tuna and other fish killed in the process. Try canned salmon instead or look for sustainably caught tuna. Yes it costs more.

As you start to value yourself in a different way, value the world you live in, in a different way too. Make good choices for yourself, your family and your planet!

What a beautiful day, what are you doing today?



Anonymous said...

As far as out planet, I recycle everything I can!

ME- I eat when I get upset and found myself downing 1/2 a huge Hershey's candy bar one nite. I have always done this!! So I am working to find other outlets ...walking, journaling, talking.

On the other hand, I had 2 days in my calorie range - HUGE deal for me, compared to 2 days in 4 weeks. Two days I went over by 250, one day by 350 and one day by 1000. All in all this has been a good week food-wise (as compared to all the other weeks).

Hope you ALL are having a good week too!

Terri P.

DL said...

Hey Terri, funny thing those soothing candy bars. I had lunch with a slumping Planimal who went and bout 2 bags of candy bars and ate them after a crappy week.

The BEST thing is to recognize this as something you do not want to do anymore. Then you have to replace that behvior.

This is the main reason for the journal to record feelings and victories through out your days.

Terri you are doing great!! Keep finding out new things about yourself. I see your exercise as A+. Great job, thanks for the effort!

DL said...

I forgot on really helpful tip of the plan. If you have a crappy boss or coworker etc. Write that persons name on a paper and list all the bad things abut them, even make up a few! Get it out and then burn the piece of paper and as all the bad things abou this person go up in smoke you will feel better.

Tried and proven!

Hoffrmdx said...

Small hoses usually are made for consumer grade hoses while large hoses were created especially for professional use. Consumer Product Safety Commission plus it was revealed that 15, 000+ home fires are related to less dryer vent cleaning. It is not a superior method of cleansing, I have to say. The more efficient the pan or oven, the faster the cooking time will be.